Welcome to Lanka Free Library

Lanka free Library is another project by the Prof. F. R. Jayasuriya foundation undertaken to serve the community. Lanka free Library is established with the view of providing access to useful information and books to the community at large. There is no charge for using the library.

The library can be used by those wishing to gain information and publish their ideas and literary works online. However, the administrators will reserve the right to decide what to publish. While focus will be on literary work relevant to Sri Lanka other literary work may be published at the discretion of the administrators.



Civil War


Latest on Lanka Free Library

Prof. F.R. Jayasuriya

General Election Sri Lanka 2020

Presidential Election Sri Lanka 2019

Ranjan's Leaked Phone Calls

50 days Political upheaval in Sri Lanka 2019

Easter Sunday Attacks Sri Lanka 2019

Bond Scam Sri Lanka 2015

Other Articles from Palith Senanayake

Sri Lanka, The war fueled by peace නිදහස් ලංකාවේ ජාතික ඒකාබද්ධතාවට...

Palitha M. Senanayake අනුවාදය - ආචාර්ය පොල්ගස්වත්තේ පරමානන්ද හිමි උපදේශනය - කීර්.ති ජයසූරිය ප්‍රකාශනය - මහාචාර්.ය එෆ් ආර් ජයසූරිය ගුණානුස්මරණ පදනම (40 වන ගුණානුස්මරණ වෙළුම)

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මාවාඩිවෙම්බු පුරාණ දාගැබ විනාශයි!

නැගෙනහිර පළාතේ පිහිටි අනුරාධපුර යුගයට අයත් දාගැබක් ගල් කණු සහ සඳකඩ පහන කඩා දමලා දාගැබ ළඟට එනකම් ඉඩම් අල්ලලා වගා කරලා… අවට සැම තැනකම පුරා වස්තු විසිරිලා…. කුමන...

Articles from Dewsiri hewavidana

Brutal murder of the London girl Sara Everard by a policeman

Retracing Sarah Everard's last known movements is confronting, to say the least. Clusters of flowers mark the spots where CCTV vision and doorbell camera footage captured the marketing executive's last known steps. The roads she walked along side, during what should have been a 50-minute trip to her Brixton home in south London, are wide and heaving with traffic.