
මාවාඩිවෙම්බු පුරාණ දාගැබ විනාශයි!

නැගෙනහිර පළාතේ පිහිටි අනුරාධපුර යුගයට අයත් දාගැබක් ගල් කණු සහ සඳකඩ පහන කඩා දමලා දාගැබ ළඟට එනකම් ඉඩම් අල්ලලා වගා කරලා… අවට සැම තැනකම පුරා වස්තු විසිරිලා…. කුමන ජාතියකට අයත් වුවද පුරා විද්‍යා උරුමයන් යනු රටකට මහා සම්පතකි....

Sanga’s and Sri Lanka’s rise to Cricket’s Hall of Fame

Yet another Sri Lankan sportsman has brought international fame to cricket and the country when it was announced that one of Sri Lanka’s best ever batsmen-wicket keeper Kumar Sangakkara was inducted into the International...

Douglas Wickramaratne – the warrior who defended SL amidst LTTE threats to his life

by Sujeeva Nivunhella in London There was a time Douglas Wickramaratne, President of the Sinhala Association in the UK, had to be given protection by Scotland Yard after he came under threat for exposing the...

The Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ Is a Myth

The narrative wrongfully portrays both Beijing and the developing countries it deals with. DEBORAH BRAUTIGAM AND MEG RITHMIRE FEBRUARY 6, 2021 China, we are told, inveigles poorer countries into taking out loan after loan to build...