2019 Presidential Election Sri Lanka52020 General Election Sri Lanka122021 Ishalini's Death62021 Port City Bill92022 Gota Go Home22024 Presidential Election520th Amendment146th session of the Human Rights Council1150 days Political upheaval in Sri Lanka66About2Ama H. Vanniarachchy15Archaeology8Archaeology8Article4Biography2Bond Scam Sri Lanka8Buddhist monks5Civil War19Cultural34Dollar Crisis Sri Lanka442Dr. Sarath Weerasekera1Easter Sunday attacks3Education5Election Manifesto1Events4F.R. Jayasuriya Foundation5F.R.Jayasuriya4Fertilizer Crisis Sri Lanka64Gas Explosion20Highways and Bridges2Historical60International4Keerthi Jayasuriya4Magazine3News10Novel3Official Language Debate3Other5Palitha Senanayake3Places3Political28Politics5Port City12Prasad Powatte8Ranjan Ramanayake leaked3Religious37Report24Review3Sport4Sports5Underworld4video1World affairs2දෙව්සිරි පී. හේවාවිදාන24
Official Language Debate
Report of the Sinhala Commission (Part II)
The Commission (comprising the Hon. S. W. Walpita, Hon. A.D.T.M.P.Tennakoon, Prof P.A. de Silva, Mr P.D.Uduwela and Prof. Lily de Silva) wishes to thank all witnesses who accepted our invitation to give evidence. They...
Official Language Debate
Sinhalese as Official Language,
Page 745, 746, 747, 748 State Council of Ceylon May 24, 1944
May 24 1944) Sinhalese as Official Language. Debates.745
Mr. Jayewardene: Sir, I wish to move the motion standing...
Changing the medium of instruction
There is a popular belief that the MEP government headed by the late S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike was responsible for doing away with English as the medium Of instruction. Some even argue that this was a...